DON'T let your résumé run with the crowd! stand out from the crowd! be a winner! Writing a winning résumé is the single most important first step in your search for a new job or career change (from entry-level to C-suite).

The process of getting a new job or making a career change doesn’t begin with the interview, it begins with the résumé. If you want to take control as to whether or not you get called in for the interview then writing and formatting a winning résumé is your absolute single most important first step.

Résumés are just first-impression door openers scrutinized from top to bottom, front to back. But if the first impression you make with the very first page of your résumé doesn’t meet an employer's expectations, you will be ruled out and that door closed! Current research shows that it takes only a matter of a few seconds for a potential employer to scan your résumé and decide if they like you or not (as a technical writer I know visual communication is the most powerful form of communication).

The real catch 22 is that you may be the nicest, brightest, most successful in your field professional ever, but with a poorly written résumé more times than not you will be ruled out within just a matter of seconds before you were able to open your mouth. Before you even got a chance to introduce yourself, speak to the employer, they didn’t like you just based on your résumé, ouch!

The result to a poorly written, poorly formatted résumé is that you won't even get the interview much less the new job or career offer you seek. And that ultimately costs you literally thousands of dollars just because you either didn’t understand the importance of or just didn’t bother writing a winning résumé...either way you still lose out on thousands of dollars.

My format on how to write a winning résumé assembles your career information in such a way that your résumé will stand out clearly, simply, yet powerfully above the crowd of résumés being seen such that an employer will think, I need to interview this individual! and that's how a winning résumé opens the interview door.

I have put extensive research into what's the best format to use, how to do it and I've been writing résumés now for years. The feedback I get all the time from candidates (all levels of the corporate ladder) and employers is that my format for writing a winning résumé is the best format seen in any industry by HR today.

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