Monday, May 06th, 2024 

Carl J. Clark is a Recruiter, Award-Winning Degreed Professional Communicator

DON'T let your job interview swim in the standard pool! be the leader!
Experience does NOT get you the best job offer, interview preparation does!
Successful interviews are all about preparation, preparation, preparation!
I’ll prepare your BEST résumé/interview seen by employers today.

How do you answer the interview questions?
“Tell me about yourself?” or “How much money are you seeking?”
There’s ONE strategic answer to those questions.
ONE answer puts YOU in control of the interview!
You’ll learn to answer even the toughest interview questions with ease.

Never get lowballed on an offer again!   
Ever take a new job only to tell yourself … I got shortchanged.
Do you dread negotiating your salary offer?
I’ll show you how to negotiate an offer to NEVER get lowballed
and to get the maximum amount of money possible.

Upcoming job interview?
I’ll help you to prepare and work with you to conduct from
start to finish the BEST interview seen by HR today. 
Greatest career ROI ever!
for just
(Résumé houses charge up to $2500.00 just to write a résumé.)

DON'T let your job interview swim in the standard pool! be the leader!
My interview format is worth thousands of dollars to you
starting with your next offer.

Questions? Comments? Not sure if you need help?
to find out for FREE call me @765-315-9312.

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